Introducing the service subscription page


Getting Started

The page displays different components depending on the total price of the service and the 1-Balance of the current account.

If there are enough 1-Coins (including credit allowance) to pay for the subscription, then the subscription can be accomplished by simply clicking the Checkout button. To open or close the credit line, one should clicking the toggle button under the "Overdraft" column.

If there are not enough 1-Coins (including credit allowance) to pay for the subscription, then a list of available third party payment gateways will be listed below, which will depend upon the selected currency since each payment gateway has its own supported set of currencies.

The system will use all available 1-Coins of the account first, then pay the rest using the user selected currency. After clicking a selected payment service, one should go to the corresponding payment page to pay the amount needed. If the payment is successful, the user can just return to V-NET, the system will handle the rest.

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