Where had the data been?

Please explain


There are multiple "physical" paths for data to go from one endpoint to the other in a V-NET (virtual) connection. The system will automatically pick the "most efficient" one that is available according to the network environment in which the data transfer is performed and to the kind of endpoint pair that the user choose to use.

The first kind of data paths V-NET considered is the end to end (P2P) direct ones for accounts that had this option opened. In case of P2P, the system will try the shortest direct path within the physical network of user first. Only when that is not possible V-NET tries the next shorter ones. For example, when both endpoints are within the same local area network (LAN) like at home or office, the system will send data from one endpoint to the other without having the data ever leave the LAN. In a more complex network environment, like in a large organization, a sufficiently competent network administrator can set up appropriate ICE servers that are based on open protocols to achieve most effective usage of its physical network by V-NET. When every thing fails, the data will be relayed by a data relay server that is available. The system provides a default one, but relying on one relay server could slow you down in busiy hours. A user or an organization is allowed to choose other established ones or set up his/her/its own new data relay servers.

However, the realization of this kind of data paths is currently based upon WebRTC technology, which is not available to all kinds of endpoints at present. Currently they are only available to Firefox family of endpoints, Chrome family of endpoints (browser, V-NET client for Android 5.0 and above and V-NET client Pro for Android from 4.2 to before 5.0) and Opera based endpoints. It is expected that more kinds of endpoints can take the WebRTC based P2P path in the future since it is a proposed HTML 5 standard.

When the P2P option is not opened for the current account of a user or no P2P data path is available, the system supports a globally deployable and independely operatable distributed data relay service layer to pass the data from one end point to the other in parallel. Each endpoint of the system is programmed to adaptively and dynamically select a subset of these routes that take shorter time to deliver data packages such that the bandwidth available to the two endpoints involved can be utilized in full. A user or organization can also choose to use or rent an existing one in the cloud or build, register and operate his/her/its own ones according to an open protocol (which will be published after a certain future version of the system).

The last data relay service to consider is the integrated ones of the V-NET data service. However data transfer through V-NET servers could be slow in busy hours and could be charged according to the amount of data transferred (in the future).

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  • v-net

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