How immediately send a photo taken, voice/video recorded?
More specifically, how to take a picture or do audio/video recording and then send it to a selected endpoint?
This feature is available to V-NET APP for mobile devices. It can be started by tapping the button inside of the main menu bar and then select a corresponding sub-menu. The resulting record will be saved to a local folder and, if not yet, with the corresponding named entry point of file system added. The file system entry point list provides quick access to the corresponding folder.The resulting file will be sent right away only when the current page has a specific target endpoint and is a data emitter, like the file export page. The file export page to a target endpoint can be reached by tapping the button belonging to target. In other pages, there will be a prompt asking the user whether or not to send the data when it is taken or recorded successfully.If the target endpoint is a mobile APP or a desktop application, then the default setting of auto-receive for the current connection will fully automate the data taking and transferring process. The auto-receiving mode of a data connection can be turned off if one wish. |
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- endpoints-list-page
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