Introducing account settings page


Getting Started

The global unique identity (GUID) of the present account network is shown on the top of the page.

This tab page is used to configure the overall settings of the account network. Most operations here are available only to the controller endpoint.

The "Logout" button on this page is used to logout all active endpoints. To logout a single endpoint, use the button inside of its own the main menu.

Other operations include change network name, change password, adding user registered ICE data servers for the peer to peer data communication channels of V-NET to the present account etc.

Successful change of password in V-NET will result in logging out all actively login endpoints. Therefore it can be used as a security measure to protect the account from further damage in case of password leak.

An ICE server is a server that follows "interactive connectivity establishment" (ICE) protocol used in computer networking involving network address translators (NATs) in Internet applications of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), peer-to-peer communications, video, instant messaging and other interactive media (from wikipedia). V-NET provides a set of default ones for accounts that have their peer to peer data communication channels opened. It also allows a user to override the default servers here (by adding his/her/its own servers) to have more data privacy, reduce network congestion and improve efficiency in utilization of his/her/its organizational (physical) network topologies.

Note: only TURN servers can be registered as candidate ICE servers by a normal user.

This long tab page is used to setup the profile of the account owner, as seen by his/her/its human peers.

Since the social part of the system for the current version of the system is not fully developed, it should not be elaborated further here at present.

A list of all endpoints that the current account has and their status are shown. The user can also perform certain operations on any endpoint listed when he/she has access to the controller endpoint. Such operations include:

  • Transfer of control to a different endpoint.

  • Revoking the access permission of another endpoint (or lock it out) to access the present account network.

  • Delete an inactive endpoint. Some endpoints become inaccessible for certain reasons, they should be deleted to release the resources associated with them.

    Do not delete an endpoint for security reasons. Lock the endpoint out instead until the security problems are resolved.


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