A description of account settings page


Account Settings Page

A Sample View

The figure next is a snapshot of the account network settings tab page as it is viewed from a controller endpoint when the account has the peer to peer data communication channels of V-NET opened. The part inside of the red rectangular is not shown for this endpoint because it is not a controller endpoint. The part inside of the blue rectangular is also not shown for this account because the peer to peer data communication channels is not yet available to the account. The part inside of the blue rectangular is not shown for this account because the peer to peer data communication channels is not yet available to the account.

Figure: The account network settings page.

Page Components

  • All Endpoints: It contains buttons used to trigger operations affecting all endpoints of the account that does not require a controller privilege. The currently supported action is "Logout", which logout all endpoints that are currently actively login.

  • Change Network Name: Set a user friendly name for the current network. It is "Shared Network" inside the snapshot shown. The button Update is used to submit the changed name.

  • Change Password: Change the login password for the current account. The button Update is used to submit the changed password. All actively login endpoints, including the controller, are logged out next if the change is successful.

  • ICE Servers: It is a list of registered servers plus an empty input template at the bottom for adding a new record. The left to the template record is used to add the template to the record list above it to be submitted. For an registered item, the button to the right of it is used to request the removal of the item and the button right to an existing item requesting removal is used to cancel the request. The button to the right of a newly added item that is not yet submitted is used to remove the item right away.

    Newly added record that has not been added to the account has a sign left to it. Registered record that are modified has a left to it. Existing record that are to be deleted is crossed out with a sign left to it.

    The button Update is used to submit all the changes, if any, in one batch.

Note: only TURN servers can be registered as candidate ICE servers by a normal user. The "URL" for each record should be the IP address or domain name of the corresponding server (and port) without any protocol header.

Most of the inputs in this tab page are self-explanary.

A Sample View

The figure next is a snapshot of the list of all endpoints of the account network. All of the buttons, but the one, shown here for administrative operations are not accessible on the actual page of the current endpoint when it is not a controller.

Page Components

State Flags

State flags are described in the following

  • The endpoint is the current endpoint.
  • An active remote endpoint.
  • An inactive endpoint that accepts offline data transfer offers.
  • Other kind of endpoints.
  • The endpoint is actively logged in.
  • Transfer the control to the corresponding endpoint from the current endpoint. It is available only when the current endpoint is a controller.
  • Exclude the corresponding endpoint from endpoints that are allowed to access the account network. If the endpoint is actively logged in, then it will be forced to log out. It is available only when the current endpoint is a controller.
  • Permit the corresponding locked out endpoint to access the account network. It is available only when the current endpoint is a controller.
  • Delete the endpoint and all resources associated with it. It is available only when the current endpoint is a controller.
  • Go to the settings page for the corresponding endpoint.

Buttons listed are not visible for all endpoints. They are shown/hidden, depending on the state of the corresponding endpoint.

Figure: A list of all endpoints of the account.

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  • vnet-settings-page
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